What is the "major message" of the Book of Haggai? What does Haggai teach us about the Messiah?
The Messiah’s Name in Hebrew
How do we know for a fact that the Messiah’s name in Hebrew is “Yeshua”? How do we know for a fact that modern versions of the name that are popular on the internet (Yahusha, Yahshua, Yahushua, etc.) are inaccurate? One establishes these facts by simply looking at the way the name appears in the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible.
Do Modern Bible Versions Intentionally Mistranslate 1 Timothy 6:19?
The YouTube channel “abide in the Word” has recently made a video claiming that modern Bible versions (NIV, ESV, NASB, etc.) have “willfully, flagrantly, knowingly adulterated the word of God” through their translation of 1 Timothy 6:19. Is that true, or has the creator of this video missed something? We explore this question in this short video.
Passover and the Gospel: Why and How to Celebrate Passover / Unleavened Bread as Christians
Does Matthew 22:23-33 prove that the Book of Enoch is Scripture?
Did the Messiah consider the Book of Enoch to be "Scripture"? Adam Fink from Parable of the Vineyard says yes. Adam claims that Yeshua uses the Book of Enoch in Matthew 22:23-33 when he corrects the Sadducees regarding the resurrection, directly referencing it as "Scripture." In this short video, we examine this passage to see if it supports Adam’s claim.
Peter's Warning About the Antinomians Who Twist Paul's Letters (2 Peter 3:15-17)
In 2 Peter 3:15-17, Peter warns that Paul’s letters contain content that is “hard to understand” and which “the ignorant and unstable” misinterpret. He then connects the mishandling of Paul’s letters to “lawless people.” In this video, I argue that 2 Peter 3:15-17 represents Peter’s warning regarding antinomians (individuals who reject God’s law) who misinterpret passages in Paul’s letters to advocate for lawlessness.
5 Reasons to Avoid the “את Cepher” Bible
Recently, a “Bible” known as the את Cepher has been gaining popularity among some believers. It incorporates several non-inspired books in its collection, contains numerous inaccurate transliterations and translations, and plagiarizes Wikipedia and other sources. In this video, I explain why you should avoid this “Bible.”
Does God the Father Have a Body? (An Interview with Anthony Rogers)
The Law of Christ vs. the Law of Moses? (Galatians 6:2; 1 Corinthians 9:21)
The expression “law of Christ” appears only two times in the New Testament (Galatians 6:2; 1 Corinthians 9:21). Traditionally, interpreters have frequently understood this expression to refer to a new “law” or ethic that supersedes the law of Moses. However, there is a growing scholarly consensus that “law of Christ” directly refers to the law of Moses in some sense. This video makes a case for interpreting the phrase “law of Christ” in Galatians 6:2 and 1 Corinthians 9:21 as a reference to the law of Moses as it is taught and exemplified by Christ.
Who Created God? - A Response to Justin from "Bullet Holes in the Bible"
For centuries, Christians and other theists have utilized cosmological arguments to support the proposition that God exists. However, Justin from "Bullet Holes in the Bible" insists that Christians who employ such arguments are guilty of "doublethink." He illustrates this with the simple question: "Who created God?"
With this question, has Justin successfully dismantled the very foundation of religious belief? In this short video, we discuss why this question misses the point.
Should Christians Keep the Bible’s Food Laws?
The Name "Yeshua" is NOT Demonic
Deny Yourself and Follow Him | The Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah)
Do Pronomian (Pro-Law) Christians "Hate Jesus" and Reject His Work on the Cross?
The Law of Moses, the Gospel, and Antinomianism: A Response to R. L. Solberg
R. L. Solberg, an outspoken critic of Pronomian (pro-Law) theology, made a video where he argued that we cannot follow the Gospel of Jesus and the Law of Moses at the same time. I responded to that video and demonstrated why none of Solberg’s arguments prove his case. Solberg didn’t like my video and made another video objecting to my critiques. This video is my response to his response.
Dan McClellan is STILL Wrong About Ezekiel 20:25-26
Can we follow the Gospel of Jesus AND the Law of Moses at the same time?
The Divine Son: Exploring the Messiah's Deity in Hebrews 1
Is the Messiah God? The first chapter of Hebrews presents compelling evidence that he is. In this chapter, the author highlights the Son’s role as the creator and sustainer of the universe, emphasizes the Son’s divine essence, proclaims that the Son is worthy of the worship that belongs only to God, and explicitly identifies the Son as “God” and “Lord/YHWH.” In order to demonstrate each of these points, this video conducts a detailed exegesis of Hebrews 1 and answers objections from unitarians.
Insights into Hebrew Poetry and Prophecy (An Interview with Matt Nappier)
Sean Griffin is Wrong About the Book of Jubilees
Recently, I made a 15-minute video where I gave an overview of the Book of Jubilees and explained why Jews and Christians have never considered it Scripture. Sean Griffin did not like this video and made a three-hour response to it. This is my response to his response. (Don't worry—it is much shorter than Sean's.)