Is marital intimacy on the Sabbath a violation of the commandment to keep the seventh day holy? The Rabbis say no, but the author of the book of Jubilees says yes. Which view is more aligned with Scripture?
5 Reasons to Avoid the “את Cepher” Bible
Recently, a “Bible” known as the את Cepher has been gaining popularity among some believers. It incorporates several non-inspired books in its collection, contains numerous inaccurate transliterations and translations, and plagiarizes Wikipedia and other sources. In this video, I explain why you should avoid this “Bible.”
Sean Griffin is Wrong About the Book of Jubilees
Recently, I made a 15-minute video where I gave an overview of the Book of Jubilees and explained why Jews and Christians have never considered it Scripture. Sean Griffin did not like this video and made a three-hour response to it. This is my response to his response. (Don't worry—it is much shorter than Sean's.)
The Truth About the Book of Jubilees
Jubilees is a fascinating book that provides a window into the world of Second Temple Judaism. However, instead of appreciating it for what it is, a few teachers on the Internet exaggerate its significance and consider it to be inspired Scripture. This video provides an overview of the book of Jubilees and explains why it is not Scripture.