Progressive Christians, such as Rev. Brandan Robertson and others, insist that Leviticus 18:22 has been broadly misunderstood and that it does NOT in fact prohibit homosexual behavior. I address their objections in this video.
Caesar’s Messiah Refuted
Is the Mosaic Covenant Obsolete? (Hebrews 8:13)
R. H. Charles mistranslated 1 Enoch 71:14
Did Jesus reject the Torah's dietary laws? (Mark 7:1-23)
When Does the Sabbath Begin?
Confirm Your Calling: Introduction to 2 Peter (2 Peter 1:1-2)
Roe v. Wade is Overturned...Now What? | A Conversation with Michele & Alivia Grace Talley
Answering Christopher Enoch's Objections to Paul (Christian literature, Marcion, 2 Peter, etc.)
Christopher Enoch is wrong about Paul (2 Timothy 1:15; Revelation 2:2)
Life in Exile: Clothe Yourselves With Humility (1 Peter 5)
We look at 1 Peter 5, the final chapter in this series of a life in exile. In this chapter we see a final exhortation to both the young and old, to all believers, in how to conduct ourselves. He says to clothe yourselves with humility. We also give a high-level review of what we have learned throughout this journey through 1 Peter.