Did Jesus reject the Torah's dietary laws? (Mark 7:1-23)

Did Jesus reject the Torah's dietary laws? (Mark 7:1-23)

Did Jesus reject the Torah’s dietary laws? Many say that he did, citing Mark 7:1-23 as proof. In this video, I will explain the problems with the traditional interpretation of this passage and offer an alternative view that presents a more consistent and accurate portrayal of Jesus’s teaching.

Life in Exile: Clothe Yourselves With Humility (1 Peter 5)

Life in Exile: Clothe Yourselves With Humility (1 Peter 5)

We look at 1 Peter 5, the final chapter in this series of a life in exile. In this chapter we see a final exhortation to both the young and old, to all believers, in how to conduct ourselves. He says to clothe yourselves with humility. We also give a high-level review of what we have learned throughout this journey through 1 Peter.