Matters of Opinion (Romans 14)

Matters of Opinion (Romans 14)

In Romans 14, Paul admonishes his readers not to pass judgment on one another over days and foods. Based on this chapter of Scripture, many believe Paul teaches that it doesn't matter whether or not believers observe the commanded holy days and dietary laws in the Torah. But is that really what Romans 14 teaches?

Life in Exile: Behaving Honorably Among the Gentiles (1 Peter 2:11-3:7)

Life in Exile: Behaving Honorably Among the Gentiles (1 Peter 2:11-3:7)

We continue our verse-by-verse study through 1 Peter. Peter tells his readers to live honorably among the Gentiles. Then, he goes on to explain what that means, specifically in the relationship between believers and civic authorities, between servants and masters, and between wives and husbands.

The Sabbath: A Day of Healing

The Sabbath: A Day of Healing

The gospels record several instances of Yeshua healing people on the Sabbath. Some Christian teachers have interpreted these Sabbath healings as evidence that Yeshua came to do away with the Sabbath. In reality, Yeshua's Sabbath healings demonstrate the proper way to keep the Sabbath.

What the Bible Says About Abortion

What the Bible Says About Abortion

A recent study has found that 44% of self-identified Christians in America said they believe the Bible is “ambiguous in its teaching about abortion.” What this study actually reveals is that many self-identified Christians either don’t read the Scriptures or don’t know how to handle them rightly.

Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-5)

Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-5)

Did the disciples of Messiah break the Sabbath when they plucked grains? Did Messiah indicate that the Sabbath no longer mattered? Could he do whatever he wanted on the Sabbath because he was lord of the Sabbath as declared in the Matthew 12:1-8, Mark 2:23-28, and Luke 6:1-5 accounts?