David Wilber May 20, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional Release Your Debt David Wilber May 20, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional David Wilber shares some thoughts on the Torah Portion “Behar.”
David Wilber May 18, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional, Feast Days, FAQ 3 Reasons to Keep the Sabbath and Biblical Feasts David Wilber May 18, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional, Feast Days, FAQ David Wilber teaches on the Torah Portion "Emor."
David Wilber May 13, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional “Jewish Holidays” David Wilber May 13, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional In this week’s Parashah Point on the Torah Portion called Emor, we look at Leviticus 23 where we find the Creator’s appointed times, or as some call them, “Jewish” holidays.
David Wilber May 11, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional "Be Holy as I Am Holy" David Wilber May 11, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional David Wilber teaches on the Torah Portion "Kedoshim."
David Wilber May 6, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional The Royal Law David Wilber May 6, 2019 Torah Portions, Devotional In this week’s Parashah Point on the Torah Portion, Kedoshim, we look at the importance of Leviticus 19:18, or what James called “the royal law.”
David Wilber May 12, 2018 Devotional Messianics are Christians David Wilber May 12, 2018 Devotional What's holding the Messianic Movement back from really making a difference for God's glory? I have a couple of thoughts.
David Wilber April 28, 2018 Devotional, Apologetics, Torah Portions Leviticus 18 and Homosexuality David Wilber April 28, 2018 Devotional, Apologetics, Torah Portions Is the command in Leviticus 18 forbidding homosexuality a universal moral commandment? Or is it, as some suggest, a unique law given only to Israel?
David Wilber April 16, 2018 Devotional, Apologetics Does Religion Turn People Into Flat-Earthers? David Wilber April 16, 2018 Devotional, Apologetics Some people claim that religion causes people to reject science. Is that true?
David Wilber April 1, 2018 Devotional, Feast Days The Hidden Leaven in Your Heart David Wilber April 1, 2018 Devotional, Feast Days I thought I would share some personal reflections as I observe Unleavened Bread.
David Wilber January 23, 2018 Devotional, Feast Days Why Liberals Should Be Pro-Life David Wilber January 23, 2018 Devotional, Feast Days Here are some reasons liberals ought to consider opposing abortion and joining the Pro-Life Movement.
David Wilber October 30, 2016 Apologetics, Devotional, Feast Days 5 Reasons Christians Should Keep the Torah David Wilber October 30, 2016 Apologetics, Devotional, Feast Days Please consider these 5 reasons that Christians should keep the Torah and join the Christians around the world who are retuning to God's Word.