
Does Leviticus 18:18 Prohibit Polygamy?

Does Leviticus 18:18 Prohibit Polygamy?

Numerous scholars have argued that Leviticus 18:18 prohibits not just sororal polygyny (a polygamous marriage between a man and two women who are sisters) but polygamy generally. In this video, we unpack the historical and textual evidence that supports this view. We also address a polygamy advocate's objections to this interpretation.

Lessons from Paul’s visit to Athens (Acts 17:16-34)

Lessons from Paul’s visit to Athens (Acts 17:16-34)

During his second missionary journey, as Paul is passing through the city of Athens, he is allowed the opportunity to speak to the philosophers and Greek intellectuals there. Luke’s account in Acts 17:16-34 of what happened in Athens gives us some insights into how we might be effective witnesses for Yeshua when we interact with those who have very different beliefs from our own.

Understanding Submission in Marriage (Ephesians 5)

Understanding Submission in Marriage (Ephesians 5)

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22). If you just read that verse out loud, then you might hear a faint, high-pitched noise. That sound is every feminist worldwide shrieking about how Christianity oppresses women. But is this instruction in Ephesians really oppressive toward women?

The Lord's Day Part 2: Sabbath and Sunday in History

The Lord's Day Part 2: Sabbath and Sunday in History

As we learned in the first part of this teaching, the Bible does not support replacing Sabbath observance with Sunday observance. So, how did this change occur? How did we get to where we are now, with most Christians not keeping the Sabbath on the seventh day? This teaching will attempt to answer that question.

The Lord's Day Part 1: Sabbath and Sunday in Scripture

The Lord's Day Part 1: Sabbath and Sunday in Scripture

It’s widely believed that the Lord’s Day (Sunday) has replaced the Sabbath for Christians. Pastor John MacArthur says the Sabbath “is gone” and “the new covenant has a completely different day.” But does Scripture support this idea?

The Powerful Role of Women in the Great Commission

The Powerful Role of Women in the Great Commission

Women have been oppressed, taken advantage of, and even limited in Kingdom work throughout history and even into today. But setting aside worldly culture and religious tradition, what does the Bible actually teach regarding the value and role of women in ministry and gospel work? Join me and Pd Vander Westhuizen in this lively discussion regarding God’s will for women.